R packages published to CRAN
The goal of fastDummies is to quickly create dummy variables (columns) and dummy rows. Creating dummy variables is possible through base R or other packages, but this package is much faster than those methods. Dummy variables (or binary variables) are commonly used in statistical analyses and in more simple descriptive statistics. A dummy column is one which has a value of one when a categorical event occurs and a zero when it doesn’t occur. In most cases this is a feature of the event/person/object being described. For example, if the dummy variable was for occupation being an R programmer, you can ask, “is this person an R programmer?” When the answer is yes, they get a value of 1, when it is no, they get a value of 0. When dealing with data, there are often missing rows. While truly handling missing data is far beyond the scope of this package, the function dummy_rows() lets you add those missing rows back into the data. The function takes all character, factor, and Date columns, finds all possible combinations of their values, and adds the rows that are not in the original data set. Any columns not used in creating the combinations (e.g. numeric) are given a value of NA (unless otherwise specified with dummy_value).
The goal of caesar is to encrypt and decrypt strings using a simple Caesar cipher or a pseudorandom number generation.
Some (usually older) data sets are only available in fixed-width ASCII files (.txt or .dat) that have an .sps (SPSS) or .sas (SAS) setup file explaining to the software how to read that file. These file combinations are sometimes referred to as .txt+.sps, .txt+.sas, .dat+.sps, .dat+.sas. This package allows you to read in the data if you have both the fixed-width file and its accompanying setup file.
The goal of race is to predict the race of a surname. This package uses U.S. Census data which says how many people of each race has a certain surname. From this we can predict which race is mostly likely to have that surname. The possible races are American Indian, Asian, Black, Hispanic, White, or two or more races.
Prints a random quote from Marcus Aurelius' book Meditations.
The goal of crimeutils is to provide a set of helper functions to make common data tasks in criminology research - clean, explore, analyze, visualize - a bit easier.