fastDummies (~2.2 million downloads)
Creates dummy columns from columns that have categorical variables (character or factor types).
Creates dummy columns from columns that have categorical variables (character or factor types).
The goal of caesar is to encrypt and decrypt strings using a simple Caesar cipher or a pseudorandom number generation.
Lets you open a fixed-width ASCII file (.txt or .dat) that has an accompanying setup file (.sps or .sas). These file combinations are sometimes referred to as .txt+.sps,, .dat+.sps, or This will only run in a txt-sps or txt-sas pair in which the setup file contains instructions to open that text file. It will NOT open other text files, .sav, .sas, or .por data files. Fixed-width ASCII files with setup files are common in older (pre-2000) government data.
Predicts the most common race of a surname and based on U.S. Census data, and the most common first named based on U.S. Social Security Administration data.
Prints a random quote from Marcus Aurelius’ book Meditations.
A collection of functions that make it easier to understand crime (or other) data, and assist others in understanding it. The package helps you read data from various sources, clean it, fix column names, and graph the data.